Senin, 20 Juni 2016

Pursuit of Happiness by LEESSANG (English Translation)


Waking up at 3pm, my body is heavy – I did a lot last night
Recorded for 20 hours, haven’t really eaten properly and my insides are burning but
It’s okay, the track turned out well – I poured out my passion into this tiny space
Soon it will bring me fame and money, as it always has

So I can’t rest, not a day, not a minute – for a great song to be produced,
Even if my body wastes away, I don’t care, even if I go insane
If a good track is produced, I don’t care if I go crazy
The legend of this era, getting recognized by everyone, the “Big Brother” of music -
These words are not me but I scrunch up and write lyrics all night
I open my own door of happiness

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the things I gave up finds some smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine

Everything ends up where it began (nothingness)
Even if things end up painful (someday)

While watching Gil, who appeared on variety programs before me,
My mother was envious and asked “Why don’t you do it with him?”
I still remember her eyes, filled with concern that she might hurt my feelings
I’m over thirty years old but in front of my mother, I’m still a child
Maybe that was the biggest reason why I chose to do variety shows
Now my heart is at rest, people tell me how much I’ve grown
Yes, some people may bash me but my parents are happy, that’s all that matters
What more do I need? I’m always an island outside my house
I won’t forget the pride of my parents and engrave it in my heart
Whenever I go home, I see the shoes I bought them are still new
Please stop saving them up and just wear them, open the door of happiness

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the things I gave up finds some smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine

Everything ends up where it began (nothingness)
Even if things end up painful (someday)

In this marathon called life, our paths might be different and even if we live with emptiness
We should live trying to fill it up and though there’s a lof of hardships,
Know he taste of sacrifices and take one more step
“Why is my life like this?” Those words are just excuses
Don’t give up so easily on this game called life
So when you close your eyes in this world, you can open your last door of happiness without any regrets

On my pursuit of happiness, I flew for a long time
So all the things I gave up finds some smile
On my pursuit of happiness, I endured for a long time
So that someday, everything will shine


Assalamualaykum warohmatullah..
Sedikit ingin berbagi ilmu tentang sawi Pagoda (nama Indonesia) atau bisa juga disebut sawi bayam atau totsoi.. masih sedikit sekali pustaka tentang sawi pagoda, semoga sedikit membantu apabila ada member yang sedang membutuhkan info tentang pagoda.

Admin melakukan budidya sawi pagoda di SAYUR ORGANIK MERBABU (SOM) alamatnya di desa Sidomukti Kopeng Salatiga,.. bisa stalking sendiri lewat blogger atau instagram dengan nama akun Sayur Organik Merbabu, tidak hanya sawi pagoda, masih banyak lahi komoditas import yang dibudidayakan. 

Ada juga tambahan dokumentasi teman- teman Akademi Pertanian Yogyakarta melakukan kunjungan industri di SOM. 

Selamat Membaca !!!!

Gambar 1. Sawi Pagoda

Pagoda adalah tanaman asli Asia khususnya berasal dari Cina. Di Indonesia iklim, cuaca, dan tanahnya sangan cocok untuk mengembangakan budidaya pagoda dan hasilnya tidak jauh seperti dari tempat asalnya. Sebutan lain untuk tanaman pagoda adalah totsoi, sawi bayam, sawi sendok, atau roset bok choy. Tanaman sawi- sawian sangat mudah didapat dan menjadi sayuran yang digemari tanaman ini juga populer di Amerika Utara sebagai bahan makanan dan sekarang mulai dibudidayakan diseluruh dunia (Anonim, 2012)

Taksonomi tatsoi atau tanaman pagoda adalah sebagai berikut :
Kingdom         :           Plantae
Divisio             :           Angiosperms
Sub division     :           Eudicots
Kelas               :           Rosids
Sub kelas         :           Brassicales
Family             :           Brassicaceae
Genus              :           Brassica
Species                        :           Brassica narinosa (Anonim, 2012)

A.    Morfologi Pagoda
Tanaman pagoda memiliki sistem perakaran tunggang dan memiliki cabang- cabang akar yang berbentuk bulat panjang dan menyebar keseluruh arah hingga kedalaman kurang lebih 30- 50cm. Akar sawi pagoda berfungsi sebagai penghisap air dan zat makanan dari dalam tanah serta akar tunggang yang menguatakan tumbuhnya tanaman.
Pagoda berbatang pendek dan beruas- ruas sehingga batangnya tidak terlihat jelas. Batang pagoda memiliki fungsi sebagai pembentuk dan penopang daun serta batang berwarna hijau muda (Heru dan Yovita, 2003).

Gambar 2. Pengaruh Aerasi pada Sawi Pagoda
Sawi pagoda memiliki struktur bunga yang tersusun dalam tangkai bunga (inflorescentia) yang tumbuh memanjang (tinggi) dan bercabang banayak. Pada tiap kuntum bunga memiliki empat helai daun kelopak, empat helai daun mahkota bunga berwarna kuning cerah, empat helai benang sari dan satu buah putik yang berongga dua (Cahyono, 2003).

Gambar 3. Kenampakan Tanaman Pagoda Berbunga

Gambar 4. Bunga Pagoda
Tanaman sawi pagoda memiliki daun berbentuk flat rosette yang dekat dengan tanah, berwarna hijau tua, lunak, serta daun berbentuk seperti sendok.

Gambar 5. Perbedaan jenis Sawi Pagoda dengan Sawi Pak choi
Gambar 6. Perbedaan Morfologi daun Pagoda dengan daun sawi jenis lainnya
Biji tanaman sawi pagoda berbentuk bulat kecil- kecil berwarna coklat hingga kehitaman, memiliki permukaan licin, mengkilap, dan keras. Biji sawi pagoda mirip sekali dengan biji sawi hijau lainnya.

Gambar. Biji Sawi Pagoda
B.     Syarat Tumbuh
Tanah yang cocok untuk budidaya sawi pagoda adalah tanah liat, berpasir, cukup lembab, gembur, banyak mengandung humus, subur, serta pembuangan airnya baik. Derajat kemasaman (pH) tanah yang optimum untuk pertumbuhannya adalah antara pH 6 – 7 (Anonimg, 2012).

Tanaman sawi pagoda membutuhkan hawa yang sejuk sehingga dapat tumbuh di dataran tinggi pada suhu 10°C- 25°C, dan tumbuh optimal pada suhu 18° C dengan ketinggian tempat mulai 500 mdpl hingga 1200 mdpl. Kelembaban yang dibutuhkan untuk bubidaya adalah 80%- 90% . Tanaman sawi- sawian adalah tanaman yang tolerir terhadap hujan dengan kebutuhan curah hujan 1000-1500 mm/tahun dan pada musim kemarau tanaman sawi pagoda dapat ditanam dengan menjaga tingkat kelembaban  yaitu tanaman disiram secara teratur, akan tetapi jangan sampai tergenang karena sawi pagoda tidak suka dengan air yang menggenang. Tanaman sawi pagoda sangat suka dengan penyinaran yang utuh untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembanagannya.

Panen Sawi Pagoda 

Kunjungan Dosen Pembimbing Admin ( Ibu Endah Ratnaningsih )

Insa Allah dapat ilmu bermanfaat dunia ahkirat,,...

Waalaykumusalam warohmatullah... :)

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Learn from Leessang

copy of

10 Things We Need to Learn from LeeSsang as a Band, Friends and Partners

The hardest part about remaining friends with people you know since you were young is to try and grow up together. Often, when we explore and try to experience new things and pursue different interests, we tend to outgrow our friends. It happens to the best of relationships. The Beatles who confessed to being the best of friends and tight as tight could be found themselves not wanting the same things.

Marriages that last more than a decade still end up in divorce because they find themselves needing the relationship less. That is why it is amazing to see friendships and partnerships that stand the test of time. LeeSsang is one of the few that has remained a band, best of friends and business partners.

Below are 10 lessons we should learn from Gary's and Gil's relationship.

1. By their own admittance, Gil knows Gary more than Gary knows Himself and Gary knows Gil more than Gil knows Himself

Gil was the one who recommended Gary to Yoo Jae Suk for Running Man because Gil knew Gary would be a better variety star than he will ever be. Gary actually declined but Gil helped convince Gary to give it a try because he just KNEW Gary would shine. Gil knew even before Gary did.

Gary also said in one interview that people think they are not close because they always fight and are rarely seen hanging out. Gary clarified that they fight because the other knows what the other will think or do even before the person does or says it. It's frustrating for them to have someone know them more than they know themselves.

2. They joke about the other's personal life but they NEVER talk about it when it is real

Gil was in a relationship with an idol for almost two years, Gary didn't say a word. Gary goes out with different women and he doesn't deny it. Gil does not say a word about it. Gil is often asked about Gary's personal life, he doesn't say a word.

They RESPECT and PROTECT each other.

3. They "grew up together" that even their dreams are compatible

If there is anything that's working for them both is that even their dreams are compatible. Even couples who are so in love find themselves growing apart. Gary and Gil have been together 16 years (and counting), that's actually more than the time they didn't know each other. They met each other when they were teens. Even couples who are so in love or friends who are so close find each other growing apart (The Beatles, Eagles) but Gary and Gil managed to thread the same path.

They dream of the same things and pursue the same future. They both decided to put everything they have in their first album. When it was time to pursue a different path, they agreed to move to a new management and label. They eventually dream of having their own label, of owning different businesses, of pursuing growth both as individuals and as Leessang. They have always been compatible even in their difference.

4. If they want to be sweet towards each other, they do it either in a manly or kiddie way

Many think Gary and Gil are not sweet towards each other. They are not sweet in that corny way. They have a unique way of showing affection towards each other. Apart from taking pictures like the one below...

Gil and Gary have a penchant for taking care of the people the other loves. Gil has talked about how his family loves Gary and Gary loves his family.

Gary has also mentioned that his mother treats Gil like her own son. In some interviews, they often talk about how the people they hang out with went on to do their own thing (while remaining friends with them) but it is each other that have stuck it out with each other.

Sometimes, Gary randomly posts photos of Gil like the one below.

5. One is strong in the other's weakness

It is a known fact that if you want to form a strong partnership with anyone, you need to complement each other. That's what Gary and Gil do well and naturally. They complement each other. It starts with their music. Gary is a lyricist and Gil is a multi-instrumentalist. Gary has a soft easy tone, Gil is husky and rough. Gary is the one who comes up with bold ideas and Gil is the one who follows through.

Gil is vocal in conflicts, Gary holds back but Gil is more careful in his words while Gary can be spontaneous. Gary is strategic and Gil is tactical. They both dream big but Gil is the one who thinks of milestones while Gary is the "now" kind of guy.

6. They genuinely like each other

Gary puts it best, "Yes, we hate each other so much that we decided to stay partners for 16 years."

7. They trust each other and what they have more than anything in their life

Gil famously said that Gary completes him. Gary is his other half, his better half. If it wasn't for Gary, his music will have no sound. In his most recent interview, Gary did say that he is secured of LeeSsang. He said that his working relationship with Gil is near perfect. That is his "home".

Having a "home" is what gives him the courage to go and try out new things. Somehow, falling doesn't seem so scary when you know someone will be there to catch you.

8. One lets the other shine

Gil was the first one to venture into variety. In fact, he had several shows outside of Infinity Challenge. In those years when Gil was the one getting TV time, Gary stood aside. It was evident that in their interviews, Gary didn't say much. He let Gil talk. He still does, most of the time, let Gil talk more, a whole lot more but at least he says a bit more now.

They also make it a point to "bounce" the compliments to the other. Gil outed Gary as a pal dan (8th degree in TaeKwonDo) but Gary was quick to retort that in actual fights, Gil does all the fighting.

9. They are protective of each other

Gil does not say a lot on Twitter. When he does tweet, it is often to troll his friends or say something funny. When Gary's music was banned, he got serious and blasted on how immature some media companies are. In their shows, Gary often defend Gil against bashers who drill on Gil's character on IC.

10. The foundation of their friendship is their dorkiness

They were dorks to begin with, deciding to be friends when they both realized they are cheap drunks. They are still dorks. In concerts, they are each other's trolling targets. Gil always egg Gary to do something silly and Gary obliges but only after Gil goes first.